In-house Training Programmes Conducted for Industries and Organizations
The Principal Consultant has conducted several in-house programs and workshops for numerous Indian industries and organizations on several aspects of reliability, availability and safety engineering and their applications. Some of these industries and organizations include:
- Hindustan Brown Boveri, Baroda
- Jyoti Ltd, Baroda
- General Electric, Bangalore
- Honeywell, Bangalore
- Kirloskar Electricals, Bangalore
- HMT, Bangalore
- ISRO, Bangalore
- Tatamotors and TISCO , Jamshedpur
- Bharat Heavy Electricals, Hardwar
- Bharat Heavy Electricals, New Delhi
- Ship Yard, Cochin
- VSSRC, Trivandrum
- ERTL, Calcutta
- NELCO, Bombay
- Central Mechanical Engg. Research Institute, Durgapur
- Bharat Electronics Ltd, Bangalore
- Escorts Ltd, Faridabad
- DRDL and DLRL, Hyderabad
- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay
- ETDC Guwahati
- CASSA, Bangalore
- Mahindra and Mahindra, Nasik

Image courtesy of Jezael Melgoza
Short Term Courses at IITs
In addition to conducting in-house programmes, Prof. Misra also conducted several short term courses at IIT Roorkee and Kharagpur during past thirty years of two to three weeks’ duration on Reliability Engineering, Quality and Reliability, Reliability and Maintainability Management, Clean Production and Performance Engineering, Performance and Sustainability, on Recent Trends in Reliability Engineering, Risk and Reliability Assessment etc. for the benefit of practicing engineers from Indian industries and organizations. Also several Quality Improvement Programmes were conducted by him at IIT Roorkee and IIT Kharagpur for the teachers of engineering institutions across the country to promote expertise and reliability education in India.
Special Lectures in India:
Prof. Misra has delivered numerous series of invited lectures in the area of reliability, safety and risk, at various organizations and educational institutions in India, which include: Armament Institute of Technology, Pune; NIQR Centre; ADA and ADE, Bangalore; ISI New Delhi; NEERI, Nagpur; a few centres of National Productivity Council; Institution of Engineers subcentres at Lucknow, Roorkee, Kharagpur, Calcutta, Nagpur, Guwahati; Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Madras, Bombay, Delhi and Roorkee; IISc –Bangalore; B.H.U, Varanasi; A.M.U., Aligarh; several RECs; PAU, Ludhiana; Punjab Engg.College Chandigarh; Thaper Institute of Tech. and Engg., Patiala; etc
Special Invited Lectures Abroad: Prof. Misra, has delivered several invited lectures on his research work at several organizations in USA, Germany, England, France, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Finland, Poland etc.,